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E-mail Marketing for Fun & Profit
e-mail marketing
can be a very
effective marketing
Do it wrong
and it is an
unmitigated disaster."

Done correctly, e-mail marketing can be a very
effective marketing tool. Do it wrong and it is an
unmitigated disaster.

Everyone hates spam and more and more
people are adding spam filters that are either
web based or an attachment to their e-mail
client program.

The best way to get by these filters and deliver
your message is to convince your prospect
(or client) to proactively accept e-mail from your

The first step is to get them to opt-in to your
e-mail. That is, to tell you that they want to
receive information from your business.

There is no one easy way to create a good
opt-in list. Accumulating a good opt-in e-mail
list is a lot like work and should be done using
several different strategies.

Before we discuss those, let's go over some e-mail marketing basics.

1. Don't buy lists. They usually are not opt-in names and, even if they are, they didn't opt-in for your business. They are useless and can give you a bad name.

2. Set up a data base to record the names and any other information you can gather about your clients/prospects.

3. Don't do it all yourself. Use the services of a reputable e-mail marketing company. If you want to send newsletters to subscribers on your web site, we recommend using IntelliContact e-mail list management software. It's easy to use and very inexpensive.

You can compose and send messages from any computer, personalize e-mails using mail merge fields, and keep in touch with prospects and customers with opt-in e-mail newsletters and announcements . Click on this link and check them out.

E-mail marketing companies maintain your data base, provide templates to produce attractive e-mailings, provide a spam checker to help your message get through filters if you haven't been added to the recipient's friends list and do the actual mailings. You just write the content and in a few minutes, everything is on its way to the people on your list. It's a lot easier and more professional than trying to do it yourself through your e-mail client program.

4. Use a newsletter approach. Think about it. People use the Internet as an information source. If you can provide helpful and interesting information that will actually help your recipients, they will look forward to receiving your e-mail. The web marketing companies listed above let you easily create templates for your newsletter. The newsletter can also include links to your web site and a special promotion or something that will encourage readers to click on the link. However, don't let your newsletter evolve into an ad page. It's the fastest way to lose readers.

5. Consider setting up a blog. Then your newsletter can contain a short version message and a link to the blog. There the full version is available along with additional marketing material that would probably not get through the spam filters. Since the e-mail recipient has opted to click through to your blog, the advertising rules change.

6. Always give readers a way to opt out of your mailings. Make the opt out a prominent part of every e-mail.

7. Guarantee them that their name will never be traded or sold, period!

8. Include a link to your privacy page that reiterates that all client and prospect information will never, ever be sold or traded for any reason.

9. Put your company name, address and telephone number on the newsletter. It gives people a chance to contact you in the more traditional manner, but more importantly, the reader can see you and your business as a real live entity, not some creature from the wilds of cyberspace

10. Schedule how often you are going to send the newsletter and KEEP TO IT.
If, like most of us you're busy every day, send your letter out once a month. Don't start to do it faithfully for a couple of months and then begin to let it slide. Each week take a moment and write down an idea or two. Then when newsletter writing time comes around, you have some ideas or topics, not just a blank sheet of paper. Here are some more tips on writing good e-mail copy:

a.) Before beginning to write, jot down a title for your article.

b.) Write down the reason you are writing this article and what you wish to accomplish.

c.) Put down the top 3 or 4 facts you want to include.

d.) Write a few sentences about each fact.

e.) Summarize your key points in the 2nd to last paragraph.

f .) The last sentence is about what you want the reader to do (call to action). Make it short and, if appropriate, include a link to a web site of action.

Now, how do we get those pesky e-mail addresses?

1. Develop a list of existing clients or customers from your records. Write your first newsletter and send it to them with an announcement that you are going be starting an e-mail newsletter and are sending them the first issue. Place an opt-in link in the copy. It can be anything from a form from your web site to a reply to Explain your opt-in policy and ask them to reply if they want to receive the newsletter. Yes, you will lose some folks, but add to your credibility.

2. Add a sign up form to your web site. The form can be very simple. The person's first name and e-mail address can be the only required items, or you can try to capture as much information as you want. I recommend the simple approach. The more someone is required to enter, the higher the chance they will not complete the sign up. Just a first name and e-mail address is great. If, after sending several newsletters, I want to get more information, I can send out an e-mail survey/questionnaire. When comfort levels improve, information is more readily available.

3. Offer something free in exchange for signing up.

4. Add a space on any regular mailings that contains a reply card that includes space for an e-mail address and a check box that the person would like to receive information via e-mail.

5. Network, network, network. Collect business cards. Ask if you can e-mail them your opt-in newsletter or use the same strategy as described in the existing customer section. Remember, only keep e-mailing them if they opt-in.
6. Train your staff to collect e-mail addresses from people who call on the telephone or stop by the business and ask them if they would like to receive your company's e-mail newsletter. Opt-ins can be verbal. After all, they can always opt out.

7. Ask recipients to forward your newsletter to a friend. The "forward to a friend" feature is part of most e-mail marketing companies programs. When a recipient forwards your newsletter, it is like a personal recommendation and there is a better than average chance that they will visit your web site and even sign up for the newsletter.

8. Keep at it every day, or at least a few days each week. It takes time. Names come in dribs and drabs. Then, all of a sudden, you have a terrific list.

Hopefully, this will give you a good start on developing your next e-mail marketing program.

If you have any comments or ideas that would be helpful to readers,
send them to
If they are not illegal, immoral or fattening, we'll add them to our library.

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